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About Us

Our Story

We believe that everyone should have fun and enjoy moments, hours or even days of happiness, doing things and being with people they love.

Whether you want to just feel free, be in control, see the world from a different perspective, explore the open sea, go fishing, scuba diving, enjoy the day with your children, creating your own adventures and water sports, it’s all up to you and your imagination.


We can help you make it happen.

"Explore Limassol from a different perspective and discover Cyprus best spots"


We live on an Island and by definition we are surrounded by water, yet many people have very limitred opportunities to explore this exciting and mysterious water world. We could go for a “spin” along the Limassol coastline, watching the city from the opposite site.

We could find some nice spot bewteen the rocks, drop anchor and go for a swim, enjoy some cool drink or tasty snack and move on to the next secluded spot.

Or we could go fishing, scuba diving ..

Our Mission is to make all these and much more possible for everybody!


While our current base is in Limassol, the most cosmopolitan city in Cyprus, renowned for its vibrant atmosphere, spontaneous hospitality and rich and colourful history, both on land and in the water, our plans are to expand to other cities in Cyprus in the next few years and to expand our fleet of boats to cover even more exciting adventures.

To accomplish our vision we need the support of our members and our members need our support, to realise their dreams. We are in this together and we will make every effort to ensure you have the most exciting adventures with us!